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The faith-based community has encountered some turbulent times due to the COVID-19 pandemic. How will you stay connected to your community? At The Joseph Company Consulting, we understand the myriad decisions you and your staff are facing in the current environment. We are here to partner with you as you explore new ways of doing ministry, while maintaining what the foundation and health of your organization.  We can provide assistance in meeting your financial goals in the following ways: 

Accounting Services

  • Bookkeeping 

  • Financial Statement Preparation (Balance Sheet/Profit-Loss Statement)

  • Data Input (Contribution Statements) 

  • Policy & Procedure Documentation 

  • and more!

Strategic Financial Consultation

We have partnered with Griffin Capital Funding to bring lending programs to churches, even those with considerable challenges. For churches in a good financial situation, Griffin offers excellent rates, extended amortization periods, long-term fixed rate options and up to 80% loan to value.  For churches in challenging situations, we can offer interest only loans, keeping the monthly debt service as low as possible. Loans can even be considered for churches that are in or may be facing foreclosure (certain parameters apply).The approval process typically takes one business day. There are no upfront fees and personal guarantees are rarely necessary.

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